Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chapter 6 posted for A Supernatural Twin

New chapter posted for A Supernatural Twin. Chapter 6 is up! Dead in the Water closes up. Please read and review!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Couples with Roxan

Hi, its me, RL13TVD! I wanted to know any couples you liked involving Roxan other then Doxan. Please tell me in the comments or in a review for the story. Two examples would be Roxemy and Matxan. I will take any suggestions into consideration, including femslash. Please tell me! -RL13TVD

Please Review!!!

Please review!!! I haven't been getting many reviews lately. For both stories I have had a total of 2 reviewers, one for each story. Please review! If you review I will check your page and see if any of your stories interest me. It most likely will, because I really read anything, including ships I don't support and ships I absolutely hate. So please review!!!

New Chapter for The Roxan Diaries

Chapter 13 has been posted for The Roxan Diaries! Me and Roxan think 13 is a lucky number (because other think it's unlucky) so I hope you like it! In this chapter 162 Candles closes up. Please read and review!!!

New Chapter for A Supernatural Twin

Chapter 5 has been posted for A Supernatural Twin. Another chunk of Dead in the Water comes up in this chapter.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Chapters for stories

Sorry for not posting when A Supernatural Twin got updated. Chapter 4 is up! I have also updated The Roxan Diaries. Chapter 12- 162 Candles Part 2 is up! Please read and review!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Story- Roxan's 13th Birthday (One-Shot 1)

I have written a new one-shot to go alongside my story The Roxan Diaries. It is a one-shot of Roxan's 13th birthday which she spends with her two triplet siblings Kat and Henrik and with Jeremy. It was just stuck in my head! I hope you read it!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Chapter 3 posted for A Supernatural Twin

Chapter three has been posted for A Supernatural Twin. You can read at this link: