Monday, March 25, 2013

Breaking Benjamin- So Cold- Acoustic

This song will be in the up and coming chapter- though in a different way than you might think. Here's the version in the chapter. Enjoy!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Petition Widget.

Petition for Supernatural Video Game

Supernatural Video Game. We all want it, we all desperately need it. But we can't just sit around and wait for it. we've gotta fight for it. NOTE: Wasn't made by me, though I did sign it. Don't worry, your EMail is not shown, only used for notifications.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Later Henrik, Roxan's other brother, is going to come in. I said he is identical to Henrik Mikaelson so I am putting a picture in case you don't know it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


This is Devon. A little young, I know, but close enough.

Roxan's Dress

In the episode I'm writing a chapter for now, there's a decade dance. I'm not sure what would make sense for her to wear so I just put in "50's goth clothes" on Google. This is what I liked out of what came up.


This is kind of an idea of what Macy would look like. Hope you like!

Chapter 14 for A Supernatural Twin

Chapter 14 has been posted for A Supernatural Twin! It has a big battle with some Kathcy (Kathy/Macy) fluff!


Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I'll try to get better with that starting now!

Monday, February 18, 2013


Sorry I haven't been in for a while. I wanted to post this picture of Roxan. I'll try to find a better one.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Story- An Alternate Universe

Damon and Stefan are something called Travelers, who are people who travel throughdimensions. Stefan issuddenly whiskedaway to a dimension where the supernatural rule and everyone thinks humansare myth. Will he findhisway home, or stay behind? Stefan/Other dimension Elena. RatedM for POSSIBILITY of LEMONS.

Chapter 8 up for A Supernatural Twin

Chapter 8 is posted. Sam and Dean are in for a surprise. Kathy has a girlfriend? She doesn't know how old she is? Read and Review!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chapter 6 posted for A Supernatural Twin

New chapter posted for A Supernatural Twin. Chapter 6 is up! Dead in the Water closes up. Please read and review!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Couples with Roxan

Hi, its me, RL13TVD! I wanted to know any couples you liked involving Roxan other then Doxan. Please tell me in the comments or in a review for the story. Two examples would be Roxemy and Matxan. I will take any suggestions into consideration, including femslash. Please tell me! -RL13TVD

Please Review!!!

Please review!!! I haven't been getting many reviews lately. For both stories I have had a total of 2 reviewers, one for each story. Please review! If you review I will check your page and see if any of your stories interest me. It most likely will, because I really read anything, including ships I don't support and ships I absolutely hate. So please review!!!

New Chapter for The Roxan Diaries

Chapter 13 has been posted for The Roxan Diaries! Me and Roxan think 13 is a lucky number (because other think it's unlucky) so I hope you like it! In this chapter 162 Candles closes up. Please read and review!!!

New Chapter for A Supernatural Twin

Chapter 5 has been posted for A Supernatural Twin. Another chunk of Dead in the Water comes up in this chapter.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Chapters for stories

Sorry for not posting when A Supernatural Twin got updated. Chapter 4 is up! I have also updated The Roxan Diaries. Chapter 12- 162 Candles Part 2 is up! Please read and review!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Story- Roxan's 13th Birthday (One-Shot 1)

I have written a new one-shot to go alongside my story The Roxan Diaries. It is a one-shot of Roxan's 13th birthday which she spends with her two triplet siblings Kat and Henrik and with Jeremy. It was just stuck in my head! I hope you read it!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Chapter 3 posted for A Supernatural Twin

Chapter three has been posted for A Supernatural Twin. You can read at this link: