Sunday, December 30, 2012

New chapter for The Roxan Diaries

New Chapter for The Roxan Diaries. Chapter 10- Vicki Dies

New chapter for A Supernatural Twin- Chapter 2

Chapter two has been posted for A Supernatural Twin. The Wendigo episode closes up and Kathy leaves with the Winchester boys.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Chapter for a Supernatural Twin

A new chapter has been posted for A Supernatural Twin (two seconds ago!). Chapter 1- She meets Sam and Dean. Contains a large chunk of the Wendigo episode. Please read and review!

New Chapter for The Roxan Diaries

I've put up a new chapter for The Roxan Diaries. Chapter 8- Bonding With Damon! Roxan and Damon spend some time together and find out about each others story. Please read and review!

Supernatural Suicide

Later in my story A Supernatural Twin you find out that about three years before season 1 Kathy tried to commit suicide many times over the time of about only 3 or 4 weeks. Here is how she tried to do it in order each time. In parentheses is why she didn't die. 1. Stopped eating (Went to hospital for 5 days. Decided to find better way.) 2. Went outside in the cold and tried to freeze to death (Was found by Hayley) 3. Stabbed self (hit stomach instead.) 4. Shot self in head (was lucky enough to not hit anything major) 5. Suffocated self with pillow (was found by Ben) 6. Tried to decapacitate (chop off) head (was found by Tommy) 7. Tried to drown self (was saved by best friend Ky) 8. Tried to jump off cliff (was found by best friend Cole. Cole fell of trying to stop her. Didn't try again when she found out afterward that her other best friend Ky commited suicide when he thought she had really died)

Roxan's Ringtones

Roxan does not just put random ringtones for people. She likes to assign ringtones with irony, meanimg, inside jokes, etc. Here are the songs for each person and if they have a meaning, what it means. They are all hard rock songs becaise that is what Roxan listens to. Elena has One-X by Three Days Grace This song means that they are a team, and that no one can defeat them. Damon has Call Me When You're Sober by Evanescence It's because he's a drunk. Stefan has Riot by Three Days Grace No meaning. Caroline has The Good Life by Three Days Grace Its because of her lifestyle. She's the popular girl who likes to shop. Roxan doesn't think it's the good life, but others do. Mason has The Other Side by Evanescence. Mason and Roxan are actually friends before he comes into the show, so he's always had this song. It's ironic, but neither of them know it. Jeremy has The Ballad of Mona Lisa by Panic! at The Disco No meaning. Alaric has Breath No More by Evanescence Its because, thanks to him, many vampires breath no more. Tyler has Animal I Become by Three Days Grace Tyler and Roxan don't become friends until after Tyler becomes a werewolf. It references the fact that he is a werewolf. Elijah has Pain by Three Days Grace No meaning Jenna has Palladio by Escala No meaning Bonnie has Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace It's about how Bonnie oftens uses witch powers to help them get out alive.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


This blog is for my FanFiction account, RL13TVD. I have two fairly new incomplete stories right now. Here are the descriptions. The Roxan Diaires:For The Vampire Diaries. Roxan "Shivvley" lives in the woods in Mystic Falls, and she's fallen in love with our favorite Salvatore- and not Stefan. Damon/OC Rated M for lots of words, rape, and suicide. Klaus is even worse in this fic than in the show. A Supernatural Twin: For Supenatural. What would happen in Supernatural if Sam had a twin sister named Kathy who the brothers find out about in Season 1 Episode 2 living with Tommy's family. Rated T for mentions of rape, language and mentions of suicide. This blog will mostly have additional things for my stories.